Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Communication Overload

SO, tonight I participated in my first twitter chat session thing (ha, I have NO idea what to call them) hosted by AgChat (http://www.agchat.org/). Let me just say that it was quite an experience... The conversation was moving CRAZY fast, and I was doing everything I could to keep up. With that minor issue aside, it was so cool. You know many people would not see agriculturalist as those who are hip to technology, I often find myself thinking the same thing, but this proved me wrong! It was actaully really cool to see all the discussion happening. Just by some of our twitter names you can see that we all come from different backgrounds all over the place, but we have one commonality, AGRICULTURE!!

Tonight's topic was Agriculture Education for all ages. People sent questions in and then during the chat session the host will pose the questions. On average there was about 10 minutes or so for each question, and anyone can throw in their 2-cents on the matter... I need to find a way to get the responses, I'll check into it.

Anyway, going through this made me realize that I am a VERY bad blogger, however it was so cool and I just wanted to talk about it (although no one acatually read these)...